Family Mediation and Conflict Support

2Mediate Family mediation aims to provide a fair and amicable solution during separation or divorce without going through court

Why Mediate?

Family Mediation helps if your relationship has broken down and you need to sort out practical issues such as:

  • Child Maintenance payments

  • Arrangements for the Children - where will they live and when will you see them

  • Sharing Finances such as House, pensions, savings

  • Dealing with any debts


  • Mediation allows greater control over the outcome

  • It's impartial, confidential and entirely voluntary

  • It can reduce costs and lead to a solution that works best for you and your family, rather than have decisions imposed on you by a court.

Finance Issues

Have your say in how the finances and assets are split to help you both move forward independently.  In an initial appointment feel free ask any questions about how the process will work and what information will be required.

Mediation helps you sort out disputes without involving big legal fees or going through a long drawn-out court battle. Mediators are professionally trained. It gives you more say about what happens whereas in court a judge will make the decisions. With Mediation you and the other party are in control of the decisions.

Looking after the children

Even though you are no longer in a relationship with each other, let us help you work out what amicable co- parenting can look like together.

Family mediators are trained to work with people whose relationships have broken down. Mediators help you find solutions you can both agree on. Unlike court, you stay in control. No-one can make you do anything against your wishes, Discussions are confidential.

Understanding Needs and Creating Solutions

Mediation is widely recognised as one of the best ways to resolve disputes, avoiding the delay, high cost and uncertainty of court proceedings.

2Mediate offers a cost effective, professional and friendly service. If you would like to know more, please get in touch for a confidential chat.

Our mediators  are members of the Family Mediation Council and undertake ongoing up to date training.




T: 07847 434921


Get in touch...

Feel free to reach out with any questions or enquiries you might have. We look forward to hearing from you. 

Professional Organisations and Accreditations

  • Family Mediation Council

  • Conflict Support Resolution Coach